Friday, 24 January 2020

NEXGENNA: International Symposium on Sodium-ion Battery Technology

Hi All,

The agenda for the up-coming NEXGENNA Symposium on Sodium-ion Batteries has now been published. It can be found here:

Wednesday, 15 January 2020

Faraday Institution - NEXGENNA Project

Hi All,

Faradion will be involved in the Faraday Institution's NEXGENNA Na-ion battery project:

NEXGENNA - Delivering a revolution in cost-competitive battery technologies

Most current generation rechargeable batteries for transportation are based on the use of lithium. However, the relatively high cost, the somewhat limited global abundance of lithium, and environmental concerns around the sourcing of lithium mean that there is demand for a lower cost alternative that would increase the uptake of energy storage technologies in a number of sectors. Sodium-based batteries could be such an option, particularly for static storage, where cost is a more important factor than weight or performance.
This project will accelerate the development of sodium ion battery technology by taking a multi-disciplinary approach incorporating fundamental chemistry right through to scale-up and cell manufacturing. Its aim is to put on the path to commercialisation a sodium ion battery with high performance, low cost, that has a long cycle life and is safe.
Many models of future grid networks based on renewable energy incorporate storage on a local or domestic level for increased network resilience and to ensure efficiency of small-scale renewable sources. The widespread use of commercial Na-ion batteries, that this project will facilitate, would aid the realisation of these models, and also fulfil the need for low-cost electric transport options in the highly polluted and densely populated conurbations in developing economies.
More information may be found here:


Thursday, 2 January 2020

20th International Meeting on Lithium Batteries (IMLB 2020)

Hi All,

Happy New Year to everyone!

I have been invited to give an oral presentation at the upcoming International Meeting on Lithium Batteries (IMLB 2020) in Berlin (June 2020).

The IMLB is the premier international conference on the state of lithium (and sodium!) science and technology and is expected to draw more than 1000 delegates. It is intriguing that there is a special Na-ion session within the IMLB schedule - perhaps the organizers have seen the light!

The proposed title of my talk: The Commercialization of Safe, High Energy Density Na-ion Batteries.

I will have to demonstrate that Na-ion batteries are indeed the future! Safe, sustainable, outstanding performance plus zero lithium, zero cobalt and zero copper. What more do you need?

Here is the link to the list of invited speakers:
